HomeCelotehAnies-Sandi “Risih” Sama PKS?

Anies-Sandi “Risih” Sama PKS?

Kecil Besar

PKS tampaknya mulai mendorong wacana duet maut antara Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan dan Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno di Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) 2024. Mungkinkah duet maut ini terwujud kembali setelah sukses di Pemilihan Gubernur (Pilgub) DKI Jakarta 2017?


The Throne

Anies Baswedan & Sandiaga Uno

Featuring PKS, Nasdem, & Gerindra

[Intro: Anies & Sandiaga]
It’s all gon’ be easy, yeah?
Yeah, The Throne is back to the game
No Ye & Hov, it’s Anies and Sandi, y’all
[Verse: Anies & Sandi]
Everywhere we go, everybody knows us
Damn, it was blowin’ in 2017
Like Brian said, we’re just like hiccups
We far from gone, huh, where all you been
2024, this is what I’m signed up for
It’s all I’m destined for, never been so sure
Hey, Sandi, time for you to take the mic, bor
Makasih, Pak Anies. Yakin ini berbuah manis
Jadi Menparekraf, I took it from Bro Wish-
Nutama. Inilah prinsip, kerja yang utama
Yup, kami tak lagi di tempat yang sama
But we still homies tho, we in here bersama
Call me Mr. President, yeah, just like Obama

Baca Juga: Jokowi-Anies, Dua Matahari?

Anies Sandi Reborn
[Verse 2: Anies, Sandiaga, & PKS]
Wait, wait, what are you talkin’ ‘bout?
You sayin’ you just like Obama?
Yeah, surethat’s what I’m all about
Ku jadi presiden, itu tak kan lama
Lha, bukannya I am the president?
No, no, it’s me. It’s all Godsend
Tenang dulu Mas Anies, Mas Sandi
Kalian berdua adalah duet maut
Remember? We all used to be friends
Duetlah lagi, semua bersahut
Ini siapa? Kok tiba-tiba nimbrung?
Mereka pengen kita balik nyambung
C’mon, guys, jangan bikin bingung
I got Gerindra, he got Nasdem, bung
Ayolah, kalian adalah keniscayaan
You a strong Gogeta, just like Saiyans
[Outro: Nasdem, GerindraAniesSandiaga]
We’re not friends anymore, PKS
So why not quit that fantasy
Hmm, stop this, we tryin’ to focus doing our job here
Let’s just get outta here


Baca Juga: Menguak Strategi PKS Amankan Anies

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