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Nalar Politik
Sandi Jadi Ulama, Kuasa Simbol
A37 -
“Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us,” – Friedrich Nietzsche Pinterpolitik.com Sebutan ulama untuk Sandiaga Uno menuai kontroversi....
Nalar Politik
Imitation Game ala Jokowi
A37 -
"Socially, everything is just inventions and imitations." - Gabriel Tarde Pinterpolitik.com Peperangan dalam tajuk Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) 2019 sebentar lagi dimulai. Dua kubu sudah menyiapkan strategi...
Nalar Politik
Prabowo Tersandera GNPF Ulama?
A37 -
“It is impossible to imagine effective democracies without effective leaders.” – Kenneth P. Ruscio Pinterpolitik.com Ijtima Ulama II telah usai dilangsungkan. Pertemuan yang diprakarsai oleh Gerakan...
Nalar Politik
Bioskop, Political Advertising Jokowi
A37 -
“Politics is who gets what, when, and how.” – Harold Laswell Pinterpolitik.com Video iklan yang menunjukkan keberhasilan pemerintahan Jokowi Widodo (Jokowi) dan Jusuf Kalla dalam membangun...
Nalar Politik
Aksi Mahasiswa Riau, Waspada Jokowi?
A37 -
“Setiap generasi pemuda di panggung sejarah gerakan politik di Indonesia merupakan anak dari jamannya.” – Benedict Anderson Pinterpolitik.com Mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM)...
Nalar Politik
Blusukan, Ma’ruf Pagari NU
A37 -
"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion." - Abraham Lincoln Pinterpolitik.com Kampanye Pemilihan Presiden...
Nalar Politik
JC, Jalan Aman Tersangka Korupsi
A37 -
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton Pinterpolitik.com Eni Maulani Saragih, politisi Partai Golkar sekaligus Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR yang...
Nalar Politik
Hati-Hati Rupiah, Menuju 1998?
A37 -
“There’s one overwhelming fact about crises: mainstream economists do not see them coming.” – Chris Dillow Pinterpolitik.com Nilai tukar mata uang negara-negara berkembang alias emerging markets...
Nalar Politik
Ngabalin, Topeng Jokowi
A37 -
“Symbolic interaction emphasized a close relationship - an exchange - between symbol and interaction. These exchanges produced special meanings and interpretations, unique for each...
Nalar Politik
Kasasi Jokowi dan Tragedi Asap
A37 -
"Natural disasters do not only threaten lives or damage property; they can severely affect societies and their socio-political structures." - Frederike Albrecht Pinterpolitik.com Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi)...
Nalar Politik
Duterte, Kawan Jokowi
A37 -
"Tackling the manifold problems in the tri-border area (Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines) will require some heavy lifting by concerned states." - Prashanth Parameswaran Pinterpolitik.com Presiden Filipina Rodrigo Duterte bertemu dengan Duta Besar...
Nalar Politik
Kekuatan Tagar, Waspada Jokowi!
A37 -
“In 2010 there was the Arab Spring and the European anti-austerity movement, which both used hashtags to brand what they were doing.” - Heather Gautney Pinterpolitik.com Tanda pagar...